
~ JoanGrown ~
There was a mom who'd play games with us
Even when the house was a mess
....................and diapers unwashed
....................and canning undone
There was a mom who made rubber guns
Even when she could have said "Wait"
....................or "There isn't time now"
....................or "Amuse yourselves, please"
There was a mom who watched all our shows
And read our blackboard comics
....................and sewed tap dance constumes
....................and listened to catechism questions
There was a mom who played in the sandbox
Or would swing on the gym set
....................taught us how to play softball
....................gave us formals for dress-ups
This was a mom who did all the ordinary
........................................mom things
And cared for us in "adult" mom ways, and yet—
....................she helped us invent
...................."Trip Around the United States"
....................and we thought we might sell it
....................for lots of money
Somehow this mom was never all "grown up"
........................................in our eyes
Even when we went to college
....................married our sweeties
....................had our own kiddoes
There is this mom who to this day through her
...........................child-like spirit
Gives us permission to remain her children
....................to view the world
....................through younger eyes
This is my mom who hokey-pokeys
Wears Fred Flintstone and plays Pictionary
........makes sure there is enough tail on my kite
........prays for me every day
This is my mom who is Peter Pan
And Maria von Trapp
............and Eleanor Roosevelt
............all rolled into one
This is our mom who has never let us down
Whose unlimited unconditional support
..................speaks to us through loving eyes
..................and everpresent hugs,
"I love you, my children.
I'm here for you always.
You are my own."