D E C E M B E R - 2 0 0 0
I am pleased to report once again that all is well here in Lexington.
(I still haven't come up with a name for our new home yet... we'll take
suggestions!) This year, I tackled outdoor lighting for the first time.
Now I understand why some people leave them up year round; however, I
must say, it was well worth the struggle.
Drew is on Christmas vacation from school oops... I mean "Winter
Break." I got to spend some time with his class last week for their Christm
I mean "Winter" party. Are you getting the idea that I am NOT impressed
with the public school system? He has a very sweet teacher, but after
the first week of school was put into a mixed Kindergarten/First Grade
class. I feel he's doing more kindergarten work than 1st grade. Hopefully,
I can afford to get him out of there next year.
Missed you on Thanksgiving, but really enjoyed spending it in our own
home. And (with God's help) no one went to the hospital... in fact, it
was a wonderful meal if I do say so myself!
As I'm sure you're all aware from the amount of email you received from
me during the Presidential race, I actively campaigned for the Republican
party this year. I've gotten to meet many new friends, as well as several
elected officials, and really enjoyed the sense of accomplishment I felt.
It's one thing to watch the news, and read all the papers, and sound off
about your beliefs to your friends and family... it's quite another to
get out there and help make it happen. Something to think about in the
future... While politicians can't save the world, getting the right ones
elected can go a long way in getting it back on the right tracks. WE,
as conservatives, as Americans, and most importantly, as Christians, cannot
continue to lay down and be conciliatory. And, as I've been placed under
strong conviction myself recently, we can't complain about the world going
to hell until we've thoroughly cleaned our own houses...
I love you all so very much. God has blessed me so richly in so many ways...
but perhaps His greatest blessing to me has been you, my family. Thank
you for teaching me love, guidance, acceptance, and right from wrong.
And as we celebrate the birth of Christ, remember that we CAN give Him
gifts for his birthday... "for whatsoever you do unto the least of your
brothers, that you also do unto me..."
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!