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John Andrew Dixon


From the


John Andrew Dixon
began keeping sketch journals and commonplace books at the age of 19. His practice of drawing throughout childhood had led to his being selected as a charter student of the Famous Artists School's Course for Talented Young People, established by Norman Rockwell and associates. While pursuing his primary goal of a formal education in design at the University of Cincinnati, he decided to become a self-taught illustrator and cartoonist.

In the early '70s, he spent three years observing veteran commercial artists in order to preserve their techniques. As part of his professional practice requirement he worked as a graphic design assistant and had what he considers “the treasured opportunity to watch all the old pros” at one of Cincinnati's last traditional full-service commercial art studios.

Dixon has relied on his years of sketchbook activity to achieve numerous illustrative and lettering styles, and, in his words, “to prime the pump of my imagination.”
As a result, on a variety of design projects, he will often direct an llustration assignment to himself to solve a challenging communication problem for a client. He is also an accomplished fine artist.





Portfolio Examples

Identity Solutions

Digital Illustration

Creative Showcase

Persuasive Packaging

Fine and Applied Art

Website Sampler






All visual images and editorial content within this Website are the creative property of Dixon Design but you already knew that, right?